唐山一中中加国际班圆满完成二〇一八——一九学年度学生会换届选举工作 - 唐山市第一中学


【 一中新闻 】唐山一中中加国际班圆满完成二〇一八——一九学年度学生会换届选举工作

发布人:admin       发布时间:2019-06-10






A success has been achieved in the 2018-2019 general election of the student council of the Sino-Canadian Program of Tangshan No.1 High School.

Recently, after nearly two weeks of preparation, the general election of the student council of Tangshan No.1 High School Sino-Canadian Program has finally come to an end. Twelve candidates from two grades of senior high school organized many election publicity activities within two weeks. Finally, Rodric, Charlie and Sunny from grade 11 were elected to the positions of president, accountant, historian, and secretary of the student council respectively. James, a grade 10 student, was elected as co-president.

The leaders of Sino-Canadian Program attach great importance to it. Guided by Chinese teachers and Canadian foreign teachers of the Sino-Canadian Program, this activity is organized by the student council to improve students’ comprehensive quality and social practice ability. The candidates are James, Powell, Steven and Nigel from grade 10 and Rodric, Timothy, Charlie, Chris, David, Founder, Devin, Sunny from grade 11.

Candidates should firstly provide an application form to foreign principal, and write down their resumes, positions they have held, activities they have participated in, and an English essay of 200-300 words. Students who have passed the preliminary examination are invited to the election meeting to be informed of the specific process of the election and the matters needing attention. In this process, the Canadian and Chinese teachers worked together to answer questions for the students who participated in the election, and supported the students to carry out their election work without delaying their studies. The candidates went to each class to make their own speeches in a week, and delivered their final studies. The candidates went to each class to make their own speeches in a week, and delivered their final speeches in front of all the visiting teachers and students in the drama room on May 31st last Friday. Candidates and voting students in the campaign got high reputation among teachers and students.

In conclusion, all the staff including Chinese and Canadian of the international department express their congratulations to the students who have won the election. Teachers hope the new student council members can continue their efforts and make outstanding achievements in the next semester’s student council work, adding a bright and wonderful touch to the colorful school life. Also for the candidates who didn’t win the election, whatever the result is, you have the courage to stand up to show yourselves to the students to prove yourself. We hope you can assist the students to carry out the work of the student council, to our construction of spiritual civilization, contribute your own strength. Finally, we hope all the students will make progress in their study and get the admission notice of their favorite universities next year. I also wish all the teachers of Tangshan No.1 High School good health, smooth work and a happy family.

                      撰稿: 中加国际班高二(22)范瑞麟


中加国际班第七届学生会主席 范瑞麟:

 中加国际班第七届学生会联合主席  赵章亦:

中加国际班第七届学生会会计  张廷硕:

中加国际班第七届学生会史官 高月铭:

中加国际班第七届学生会秘书  宣烨:






